You can purchase MRI CD software designed by DMU prof, student

(Des Moines, IA) – Learning MRI anatomy is not easy regardless of your training, experience or education. And for that reason, a physician-professor from Des Moines University (DMU) decided to put his head together with DMU podiatric students and an anatomist to develop MRI Of The Foot & Ankle Made Simple, a CD software program. “This software will easily guide your learning using text, MRI images and photos from dissection,” explains James Mahoney, D.P.M., associate professor in DMU’s College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery and creator of the CD. “Whether you’re a current podiatric student or a practicing physician, I’m confident this disc will help you brush up on your MRI skills.” Just released, the disc allows for easy identification of anatomical structures in the foot and ankle with diagrams for using boney landmarks to identify soft tissue structures. Companion-labeled cadaveric dissections will reinforce your knowledge of the soft tissue structures. “Standard teaching methods don’t reinforce the 3-D relationship of adjacent visual fields. This text teaches you these relationships by using bones, primarily metatarsals and calcaneus, to serve as a lattice upon which you fill in the soft tissue anatomy.” Dr. Mahoney explains. “It takes you through multiple sections in all three body planes to see the reproducible pattern of structures from posterior to anterior, dorsal to plantar, and lateral to medial.” Dr. Mahoney’s main co-creator of the program was Adam Johnson, D.P.M., ’08 grad. Johnson even helped with the programming aspect of the software. A trial phase was conducted with samples of the program sent to multiple physicians around the country. With a successful trial completed, the software was integrated into curriculum in the DMU College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery and distributed to students. To preview and purchase the program, visit

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