(Des Moines, IA) – You are invited to attend a free event at Des Moines University on Monday, February 16 about the issues and needs of transgender individuals.
Dr. Christine McGinn of Pennsylvania will be speaking about her own personal experience and about her clinic where she provides all types of care for transgender patients. She will take questions after her presentation. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. with dinner and the presentation will begin at 6 p.m. in the Student Education Center auditorium, 3300 Grand Ave. in Des Moines. It is free and open to all. Free parking is available behind the building. Please RSVP by Feb. 13 to 515.271.1440.
“Dr. McGinn represents a population often overlooked, not only in medicine but in every facet of our culture,” said Shai Feingold, D.O. class of 2011. “We are all excited to learn from this distinguished speaker—someone who has made important contributions to not only osteopathic medicine, but to American society.”
Christine McGinn, D.O., is a plastic surgeon trained in general and plastic surgery as well as transgender surgery. Since her own transition in 2000, she has been an activist and speaker on many related issues. She founded Papillon Gender Wellness Center, a comprehensive gender support center, offering a holistic approach including preventive medicine, research, primary care and therapeutic support systems. She currently serves on the National Advisory Council in Sexual Health. Before her transition, Dr. McGinn served as a NASA flight surgeon for nine years. For more info about her, visit drchristinemcginn.com.
Feingold said, “Her story of entering a male-dominated field of medicine and serving as a NASA flight surgeon before undergoing her transformation is fascinating. Since reading about Dr. McGinn in DO Magazine last May, DMU’s Gay-Straight Alliance and office of faculty development decided she would offer an important and unique message to the Des Moines community. What has been most remarkable is the overwhelming response we have received from the student body. Several university clubs have made generous donations for financing this event, and the Student Government Association has allocated nearly 20 percent of its annual special events budget to make this evening happen.”
The event is sponsored by Des Moines University Educational Support Services, Diversity Services, Student Services, the faculty development office and several student groups.