Events, Events, and more Events

So, I neglected to get an updated up on here to follow up from my last events blog so I am going to let you know now what is happening over the next month. Like to hear it, here it goes…

Lisa will be at UT-Austin on 02-21 and UTSA on 02-22. These are both fairs so look for the DMU purple stuff!

Katie will be at the U of Indiana on 02-21 while Gina is out to Buena Vista U the same day.

Here’s something exciting sportsfans, I will be in Arizona next week! Visiting with the U of Arizona group, African Americans in Life Sciences on Monday, the 26th and then to Arizona State for the Health Professions Fair and Discussion Panel on the 27th.
Northern Arizona is having a Health Fair on the 28th that I will be at before I meet with students at Grand Canyon U on the 1st of March. If you are in Arizona, let me know so I can give you more details.

We are also happy to have students on campus on the 28th as well to learn more about health careers while Gina, Meghan, and Josh will be at UNI on the 1st.

Gina will be wandering all of Colorado the week of March 5th through 9th at CU Boulder, U of Colorado, U of Denver and the U of Northern Colorado before heading to DC for an AMSA event on the 10th. Let me know if you are planning to be in Colorado, or DC for that matter, and I will give you more info.

The following week is a busy one as well with Gina at the U of Richmond, Katie at St. Olaf, Josh at Mount Mercy, and Margie meeting with Beta Kappa Chi in North Carolina while I get the pleasure of visiting Grand Valley State, Central Michigan, and U of Michigan.

If that is not enough, Katie and I will be at Simpson on the 22nd of March.

So there are a few things to do in the next few weeks. As I said, let me know if you would like more info on any of these events and get out and enjoy the weather while I sit indoors and type this for all of you, my lovely friends.

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