More podiatric physicians needed!

Over the next six years, all eight podiatric schools in the U.S. would have to triple the number of graduates to meet the needs we’ll have in America in 2014. This estimate comes from a recent study that shows approx. 40% of all foot care in the U.S. was provided by a D.P.M.

Get the info: APMA workforce study (link removed)

Of course, at DMU we are working to not only meet the needs of our population but meet the needs with EXCEPTIONAL docs. Alumni from our College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery live in all 50 states, Canada, Puerto Rico and several European countries. Over the past five years, we’ve averaged a 96% first-time pass rate on part 1 of the podiatric boards and 95% on part 2.

Our students have an average MCAT score of 23, an average age of 24 and an average overall GPA of 3.44. Want to be one of our students? Visit

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