An update from a first-year D.P.M.

Hello everybody, my name is Grahm Bahnson, and this is my first blog, so bear with me! I’m a first year DPM ’11 from Sioux Falls, S.D. It’s exciting thinking that this first year of podiatric medical school is almost over. It’s really true what they say, “…in medical school, you’ll experience some of the longest days and the fastest months…” That’s definitely been my experience. This year has been quite challenging on many levels but also quite rewarding as well.

I feel incredibly blessed and privileged to attend podiatry school at DMU. We have incredible faculty, an outstanding student body and wonderful facilities. We’re also held to extremely high standards. I’ll admit, this is definitely not the place to be if you’re not motivated! The first year is rigorous, but as with anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. You should definitely come here with a strong desire and commitment to do your best. I’m convinced that with a consistent focus and determination, you will find success here.

One of my favorite things about DMU is my fellow classmates. Although we all live in a fast-paced, highly intensive environment, the students here are great. I feel a great connection and friendship with almost everyone in my class. We have many similar interests and share that constant common denominator of an impending exam over our heads! There are many clubs and activities to be involved with on campus. This year, I’ve been a part of SCACFAS (the podiatric surgery club), the Podiatric Practice Management and Journal Club and the Christian Medical Association. In addition, throughout the year, I’ve been involved with CFUM which helps serve food to needy families in Des Moines. Also last fall, I played on an intramural volleyball team which was a lot of fun.

Being from S.D., Des Moines feels pretty familiar to me. Overall, I would say it’s a rather archetypical Midwestern city which is a good thing! There’s really plenty to do if you make the effort. Things I might do on any (relatively) free weekend include going out to eat, visiting one of the many area parks, walking at one of the malls or through the downtown skywalk system, enjoying a beer or two with friends, going bowling or catching a movie. Of course there are plenty of sports and good concerts around as well. This past winter, some friends and I took a trip to Iowa City (about 2.5 hours away) to watch the Hawkeyes play basketball, but you definitely don’t have to go that far to find things to do. As long as you’re with friends – and DMU has plenty of them – you’ll be fine.

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