Stats on DSM’s superiority

In case you’re still not convinced that Des Moines is the awesomest (yep, that’s right, I make my own words) place to live, here’s a few recent reports that back me up….in case you don’t take my word for it. ha!

The ACCRA Cost of Living Index reports the average cost of living for 311 urban areas 2008 first quarter of comparisons. Des Moines rated 8% below the national average at 91.7, in comparison to Chicago’s 111.5 or Manhattan’s 218.8. The index is based on six components-housing, utilities, grocery items, transportation, health care and miscellaneous goods & services.

Ankeny was listed as one of the 10 best towns for families in the August issue of ‘Family Circle.’ The full article. Ankeny is the suburb on the north side of Des Moines, about 15-20 minute commute from DMU. 

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