Being a student overwhelming somedays? You can get free, confidential help!

Educational Support Services (ESS), on the fourth floor of the AC, is exactly what it sounds like – an office designed to offer any support you may need while you get a DMU education. Whether your stress is academic, emotional or relationship-based, or if you are just feeling a tad overwhelmed, the ESS professionals are happy to help. Call 515.271.1630 today to set up an appointment!

Stress management

When staring up at a daunting mountain, it may help to talk to someone who has already reached the summit. At DMU, if the stress of beginning graduate school feels insurmountable, the peer-led stress management program, facilitated by second-year students, might be a good idea. The program is designed for structured, small-group discussion during the first seven weeks of class. By sharing common concerns, students work toward developing skills to manage stress, while creating lasting social connections between students.

Peer tutors

Wouldn’t it be great if a room was available near the Library staffed with a student tutor to assist you? Good news! There is! Academically-qualified second-year D.O. and D.P.M. students are on hand to tutor first-years. The peer tutoring program is supported by the ESS counselors and faculty. The room is staffed several hours a week so students can drop in as needed. If additional tutoring is needed, sessions may be arranged through the portal. The service is FREE and open to all students.

Relationship advice

Regardless of whether you’re in a new relationship or you’re an old married couple with a passel of kids, the ESS staff, trained in marriage and family therapy, can help you identify your strengths as a couple, improve communication or assist with conflict resolution.

Student counseling

When you have as much on your plate as our students do, there are bound to be some rough spots. When faced with challenges and pressures in your academic, professional or personal life, you have the option of free, professional, confidential counseling through the ESS office. A professionally-trained and licensed staff is available to help with relationship difficulties, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, test-taking or study skills and other emotional or academic issues. There is no limit to the number of visits you can make and, because the well-being of your family impacts your success, these services are also available to students’ family members for free.

Diversity services

Nobody should feel uncomfortable or stressed because of who they are. DMU is committed to fostering an inclusive climate that supports diversity. By increasing awareness, understanding and appreciation of both differences and similarities we can recognize biases, reduce prejudice and promote social justice. The ESS staff can also help students interpret policies and regulations regarding visas, insurance and other immigration-related documents.

For help with relationship issues, depression, stress or anxiety, coping skills, time management, addiction issues, eating disorders, sleep problems, focus and concentration, study skills, premarital counseling and really anything that interferes with your academics, email

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