Admissions team on the move

I recently traveled to Iowa State University to visit their
Pre-Med Club, and spoke to more than 60 eager students!
For those of you not familiar with the area, Iowa State is
about 30 minutes north of Des Moines so we see quite a few applicants from their programs and welcome a number of their graduates to DMU each year. For this particular visit, I was able to bring a current student from our D.O. and P.A. program along so they could share their experiences with the ISU students. It was great to see so many interested students turn out to hear me speak. I suppose the offer of free pizza helped increase attendance just a bit.

Last week we had a group of undergrad, pre-med students from University of Iowa visit our campus and tour our simulation lab (see above photo). I think they really enjoyed their visit.

This week admission representatives are in South Dakota, Idaho, Northern Iowa and Nebraska. Next week we’ll be in California, Utah, Las Vegas, Iowa City and back to Iowa State to chat with the Physical Therapy club!

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