Set, spike, point – raise money for kids!

Don’t miss the Des Moines University Co-ed Volleyball Tournament to raise money for Camp Hertko Hollow, Iowa’s diabetes education camp for kids!

It’s Saturday, Nov. 8, 8:30 a.m. til 6 p.m. and costs $8/person. This is open to the public.

Teams will be 4-6 people. It’s a double-elim tourney. Rally score to 21. Best 2 outta 3 takes the match. Prizes for first and second teams.

The best prize of all, of course, is the that the money raised will help kids! Camp Hertko Hollow is a great program and that’s why DMU’s Student National Podiatric Medical Association and American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine clubs are sponsoring this event. If you can’t play but still want to give, click here.

To get a registration form or find out more, contact or download it from here. Hurry though. Forms must be turned in by Nov. 1!

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