Mourning the loss of a great doctor

We received some very sad news at DMU this week. 1990 graduate Dr. Stephen DeVore, D.O., passed away due to heart problems Tuesday. 

Dr. DeVore practiced in the metro up until a few years ago. Known as a great doctor, he took it a few steps farther and many will remember him for his passion and devotion to the health and well-being of folks in the far-off tiny country of Mali, Africa. When his daughter, then a doctor-in-training, emailed him from Mali to ask for help getting supplies and medicine, a whole new chapter began. He and his wife Jill (a DMU M.P.H. grad) and family began Medicine for Mali in 2000. Year after the year the DeVores have tirelessly worked to recruit volunteers and donations of money, medicine and supplies. Year after year they’ve traveled to Mali to treat illness, provide clean water, educate mothers on infant nutrition, begin microfinance programs and teach reading and business skills. Quitting his family medicine practice completely, Dr. DeVore and Jill worked tirelessly for these people with so much need.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing the DeVore family since I was 10, seeing them off & on for years. I can tell you truly that their devotion and passion is real. It was inspiring, engaging and encouraging. Dr. DeVore’s love for people half a world away reminded all of us to reach a hand to our fellow man. 

Dr. DeVore taught at DMU about global health issues. Early on in our Global Health program Dr. DeVore worked with Dr. Shah, assoc. dean of global affairs, to offer opportunities for students interested in global health and public health. He was always at the ready to tell stories of what he’d seen, compare experiences or share a laugh.

Read today’s Register story about Dr. DeVore. The Register has an archive of their stories about Dr. DeVore and Jill here.

Medicine for Mali will go on but it will be different without Dr. DeVore leading the charge. A great doctor has passed but his message remains – do all you can to love, help, heal.

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