How tweet it is!

tweetupYou’re probably looking at this photo thinking, “Why would those people wear such silly sweaters, let alone three of the same?”

Well, those are just three of the 80+ people that attended last night’s Epic Ugly Sweater Party at Impromptu Studio, one of many Tweetups in the Des Moines area that happen pretty regularly. This Tweetup, however, was a bit different, a bit more festive — donations for the Central Iowa Shelter were collected, Jason Walsmith of The Nadas performed and food & beverages were graciously provided by B&B Grocery and Olde Main Brewery. Even Metromix and ABC 5 TV showed up to cover the event!

What’s a Tweetup, you say? Tweetups are casual, fun meetings of users of the social networking/microblogging site Twitter. It’s a great way to connect in real life with people you speak to virtually!

My wife Jennie & I went, not really knowing what to expect, as she had never been to a Tweetup before, and I have only been to one. However, the people were very friendly – a lot of Des Moines’ movers and shakers were there and we even met a couple of CelebrAsian organizers!

If you want to connect virtually and in real life with your fellow Des Moines residents, Twitter and Tweetups are a great way to do so. Check out Twitter and #dmtweetup for more information!

Photo by me, David Lay!

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