Score! Fun night out for cheap!


Iowa ChopsHockey? In Des Moines?  To that I say: as a matter of fact, yes!??

I’ve been a lifelong hockey fan. To me, there’s no other sport like it – it’s such a fast-paced sport, the game can change faster than a 100 mph slapshot. It’s one thing to watch on TV, but it’s completely different to watch a game right in front of you – with seats right on the ice, no less.??

I recently got my hands on four front-row seats to see the Iowa Chops play against the Rochester Americans, so I brought along my wife and a couple friends. Mind you, Jennifer had never been to a hockey game before, so she was in for a real treat.  As soon as the first player was checked up against the glass right in front of us she was getting into the game just like the regulars, myself included. She is now officially a hockey fan!??

Although the Chops lost 4-1, it was still a great time nonetheless. It’s even a great time on a student-friendly budget – Chops tickets start at just $7 and Bucs tickets start at $8 and sometimes run specials making them even cheaper. (If you want the real experience, get seats at ice-level for a bit more $$. A hockey game just isn’t a hockey game until you see the action unfold three feet in front of you!)??

Check out the Iowa Chops or Des Moines Buccaneers websites for more info on hockey in Des Moines.

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