
When it comes to wasting time, I totally dominate. I can spend a good four hours straight on the computer doing absolutely nothing important. This is a good thing when I’m stuck in an airport on a layover; not such a good thing when I’m studying for exams. So what fills the time? There are the staples of internet dalliance (Facebook,, and Pandora) and then there are a few of my own faves.

1 Hour: Facebook. If you are 18+ and your life does not include Facebook, I feel bad for you. Professors warn that the site will cause grief when applying for schools or jobs. I think professors and employers should be warned that if a prospective student or employee does not have Facebook, perhaps he is not the well-rounded, social individual you want to admit/hire. My mom is on the Facebook, and she’s a college professor, so it can’t be all that bad. 

0.5 Hour:, specifically the college football page, is my internet homepage. It is crucial that I find out immediately when anything pertaining to SEC football occurs. Did you know that the NCAA has had to clarify its bylaws to allow Tebow to fundraise for a mission trip to the Philippines? It’s important I know this. Did you know Alabama has been slapped with NCAA violations for student-athletes receiving free books during the 2005-2006 school year? This is vital information.

0.25 Hour: You wouldn’t think checking the weather takes 15 minutes, but it does. First I check Des Moines weather for the day… then the next 10 days… then the month. The estimates change daily, so I have to check. Then I check Las Vegas to see how the weather is for my parents. Then I check Norman, Oklahoma, where my sister resides. Then New Orleans, where my brother lives. Then Auburn, AL. Then San Francisco. Then Honolulu, HI (the site of my first clinical internship… insert jealousy here). I usually check at least 6 places before I move on from this site. 

0.25 Hour: If you are not familiar with this gem, let me introduce you. Pandora is a website that allows you to set up your own radio stations. The stations will play music that is similar to a specific song or artist of your choosing. I have a Kanye station, John Mayer station, Eli Young station, Beethoven station, Jon McLaughlin station, and a station entitled “Your Love Oh Lord” to satisfy my various musical moods.

0.5 Hour: MySpace Music. I have a slight obsession with music. I have absolutely zero musicality, and I think this contributes to my intense fascination and admiration of those who do. I have my favorite musicians (those mentioned in the Pandora section above), but I am especially fond of finding artists that haven’t quite “made it” yet. MySpace Music is chock full of them. A few of my best finds are Stephen Fryrear, Trey Lockerbie, Steve Moakler, and the Gabe Dixon Band. Look them up. You won’t be disappointed. 

0.5 Hour: Speaking of amateur vocalists, if you’ve watched American Idol this season, Ricky Braddy should have caught your eye/ear. He’s been eliminated, but he was/is amazing. His official website is also amazing. If you go to the website and click on the “Braddy Dance” icon, you will be treated to a number of interpretations of his infamous boogie. There are geriatric, toddler, middle-aged, and of course tween performers. Each submission is uniquely delightful. Watch them and then submit your own video so that when I check back again tonight, there’s something new to view.

0.5 Hour: Clay Travis is a journalism genius. His website is loosely devoted to sports, but often times the focus switches to corndogs, facial hair, apostrophed names and pink dolphins. “Varsity Blues” and Civil War references are frequently included. With this description, it should be clear that may be the best site on the web. Spend a half hour exploring the site to see for yourself.

0.5 Hour: Travelzoo is a discount travel site that scours the web for the best deals available each week. Cheap flights, hotel steals, discount shows and reduced cost cruises are posted. At least once a day I plan a trip that I don’t have the time or funding to take. Those are inconsequential setbacks, so I continue to check the ‘Zoo. 

And there you have it. Four full hours of unadulterated futility.

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