The fair lineup!

So the other day I asked, via DMU’s Facebook page, what you’d like to see on our blog. One of my friends in the admissions department, Jean, pointed out that the Iowa State Fair has released their lineup for this summer’s fair. HOLY canoli, how did I miss sharing that news?! I’m glad Jean has my back and reminded me! If you’re a new reader, you may not know this but I LOOOOVE the Iowa State Fair. I look forward to it every year, go several times, see as much as possible & eat every tasty delight they sell, or at least as many as I can stomach each day! 

Soo…without further ado & with apologies for my tardiness, here’s a link to this summer’s lineup! One  of my fave things about the fair, however, is the FREE music. That lineup will be out in May so stay tuned.

Also, please mark your calendars now – Des Moines University Day at the Fair is August 16. We’ll have all sorts of awesome freebies, cool games, free treatments & screenings and more. Plus, you can meet me!  Who’d miss that?!

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