MOM: an everyday hero

Mother’s day is May 10. That gives you 6 days to figure out how to best honor & celebrate the woman who made you who you are. 

mom-cPlease take note: Being a grown up does NOT exempt you from celebrating mother’s day. In fact, you should celebrate even more than you did as a kid because now you know how hard a job it must be to be your mom! (Just maybe use less macaroni & glue than you did on mother’s day at age 5.)

Not only should you honor and celebrate the awesomeness of your mom, if you have kids you best celebrate the beauty, grace and amazingness of your childrens’ mother!

As a kid, mom was the one to bandage my scrapes and soothe my ego. My mom was there to hold it all together while my dad was in school at DMU. She was there to help me learn, make friends and watch the Golden Girls together. Now, whether I need help with something or I just need someone to tell me to pull on my big girl britches and deal, my mom is still always there for me. She’ll have fun with me (see first photo of us at Disneyland a few years ago) or dig in elbow deep and do my laundry when I’m sick. I consider it a huge compliment when people tell me I remind them of my mom, in looks or behavior. 

2-momsNow, because I’m an especially lucky girl and my husband came as part of a package deal, I have 2 great moms. My mother-in-law spoils me, encourages me, helps me out and is always ready for a chat, girls-night-out or trip to the farmers’ market. Also even though she’s an amazing cook she doesn’t mock my cooking attempts at all! (2nd picture: my 2 awesome moms.)

Whether you take your mom for a night out, give her a day off*, deliver breakfast in bed or take her out for a fancy dinner, celebrate your mom!!

*May 7 is National Mom’s Night Out. To take part in the Des Moines event, get details here.

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