TODAY is DMU Day at the fair!

ferris wheel

I know youโ€™re thinking about itโ€ฆ dreaming of corndogs and ice cold lemonade last night, werenโ€™t you?

Itโ€™s understandable, really! You know you wanna do itโ€ฆ   So jump in the car & head to the state fair!

YES, right now.

Do it! You wonโ€™t regret it!

Today is DMU Day at the Iowa State Fair and you wonโ€™t want to miss it. Look for the big white tent on the south side of the Grand Concourse. We are east of the Varied Industries Building, SW of Jalepeno Peteโ€™s. Weโ€™ll have cute mocha brown tee shirts on that say DMU! and weโ€™ll be smiling and ready to give you a cool temporary tattoo.

Whether youโ€™re a third-year, prospective student, graduate, employee or just an Iowan interested in the stateโ€™s largest medical school, we want you to stop by & show us some love! We have free first aid kids, foldable frisbees, bandaid dispensers, pens and more. You can enter to win a free shirt & family health book AND, from 9 to 3 you can get a free OMM treatment!

In case meeting me, getting free stuff and connecting with students, alumni & clinicians isnโ€™t enough incentiveโ€ฆ. Check out the 7 new foods of this yearโ€™s fair. Hereโ€™s all the food-0n-a-stick options and the big mama guide: the full directory of all foods at the fair!

Also, I accept no excuses for you missing this day. Here are directions to the fair, shuttle info, a 3D map OF the fair (see the purple dot โ€“ thatโ€™s about where the DMU tent is!)  & up-to-the-minute fair info.