DMU first university to ever earn platinum wellness award

WellWorkplacePlatinumDes Moines University (DMU) was recognized October 1 as the first and only educational institution in America to receive a platinum level Well Workplace award, the highest distinction achievable from the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA).

“We are obviously quite thrilled and honored by this award. It is a testament to the hard-work of our wellness staff, cooperation and support from all our employees and students and the power of preventive health efforts,” said University President Gov. Terry Branstad.

Until now the University had a gold well workplace status.

“The Wellness Council of Iowa is thrilled that organizations and companies are embracing their responsibility for maximizing the health and well-being of their employees,” said Jenny Weber, executive director of the Wellness Council of Iowa (WCI), the Iowa affiliate of WELCOA. “It is evident that wellness and prevention have become significant parts of the overall organizational strategy at DMU.”

Platinum well workplace-smThe Well Workplace award recognizes companies which have implemented and demonstrated measurable success in employee wellness programming. Areas of focus include smoking cessation, nutrition, physical fitness, self-care and stress management. WCI has been recognizing and fostering sustainable wellness in Iowa for more than 15 years. Awards are designated in bronze, silver, gold and platinum levels.

DMU has an on-campus 25,000 square foot wellness center, an incentive-based wellness program for employees, a nutrition kitchen used by the on-campus Weight Watchers group and fitness classes for students, staff, faculty and sometimes the public. They offer annual personal wellness profile assessments for students and staff, offer personal or group health consultations and have a wellness library.

The honor was presented at the WCI award dinner. WCI is a non-profit, membership-driven organization based in Des Moines, Iowa. Serving more than 130 member companies, the Council’s activities affect tens of thousands of Iowa workers and their associates.

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