What can DMU do for you?

hawaii 1So, I’m in Hawaii. Yeah, exactly. It’s awesome. I’d like to say it’s terrible and I’m having a bad time and the weather isn’t cooperating but that’d be a lie. It’s phenomenal and I’m having a wonderful time and it’s 85 and sunny every… single… day.

I’m in Honolulu for October, November, and December busy pretending I’m a P.T. on my first clinical rotation.

The D.P.T. curriculum allows students to enter the “real world” and practice what we’ve learned after three blocks worth of classroom, or didactic, education (much sooner in the curriculum in comparison to other programs).

Luckily, the education I’ve received at DMU has allowed me to make the most of my time here on the island. Why? Because I know everything already. Okay, not entirely true. Actually, not true at all. But I was so well prepared for my internship that it almost seems easy. Well, not easy, but natural. hawaii 2I do work ten-hour days and have homework every night, but it goes by real quick and easy under the palms.

And the weekends…  ahhh, the weekends. They are usually full of really stressful decisions. Should I wake up early to surf or sleep in and let the songbirds wake me? Should I lay out by the pool or on the beach? Should I hike up Diamond Head or hike on over to Duke’s for a mai tai? I mean, really onerous decisions.

Good thing I have become a master of decision-making thanks to my DMU education.

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