White coat makes us official!

That’s right, the PA class of 2011 is OFFICIAL! Well I don’t know how official a white coat really makes me at this point in my education…  but it for sure makes me feel like I could rule the world.

Fall Break 020

Fall Break 024A few weeks ago all the new students in clinical programs at DMU donned our white coats. I am pretty sure there were 300 hundred or so of us.

Many of us were excited to get our white coats but not excited to sit in a ceremony for 3 hours the week before 3 tests. However, to our surprise the ceremony went way quicker than guessed and was a really nice event. The people who planned it did a great job, the speakers were good and it was just nice to feel important for one day.

It was fun to meet my classmate’s families and spend time with my own family. It’s always nice when the parents come in to town—guaranteed free lunch and  groceries…woo hoo.  All in all the day was a success and the test the following week went off without a hitch. So watch out world, here we come — with our white coats and all.

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