Flu shots will not be available at Saturday’s Des Moines University Senior Health Fair as previously expected. The fair will go on as planned. Due to the Polk County Health Department’s vaccine shortage, they had to cancel all upcoming flu shot clinics until their supply is refreshed.
“We, of course, wish we could offer flu shots as we have every year but this is completely out of our hands,” said Kendall Dillon, director of marketing and community relations at DMU. “We understand the health department’s predicament and will assist them in spreading the word to the public when flu shots are again available.”
There will still be plenty of free screenings and health information on November 7 for adults 50 and older. The Des Moines University Senior Health Fair runs from 8 a.m. to noon, in the Student Education Center, 3300 Grand Avenue.
Seniors can get free blood glucose, blood pressure, skin cancer, vascular disease, cholesterol and bone density screenings. Attendees will enjoy CPR and tai chi demonstrations as well as osteopathic manual medicine demonstrations and treatments. Podiatric medical students will be screening for foot and ankle problems. Free medication reviews will be done for seniors who bring a list of their prescription and over-the-counter medications.
“This is a great chance for seniors in our area to get several screenings at once and have questions answered by local physicians and medical students,” said Joe Berg, a D.O. student and president of the DMU Geriatrics Club.
Des Moines University (DMU) offers this fair annually. It is organized by students in the Geriatrics Club and is supported by many DMU student groups and departments.
“We have many folks from around Des Moines that attend this fair every year,” said Dillon “We’re thrilled we can help people get the proper preventive care, regardless of budget.”
To find out more about the fair, call 515.271.1041 or visit www.dmu.edu/community/seniorhealthfair for a map and info.