How many ingredients in your salad?

It’s like people know I was on a diet this month. I mean, I don’t think I’ve seen more treats thrown at me more than during this time when I’m trying to cut back on sweets. And unfortunately, it’s true, I am weak! If I see it, then I must eat it. And so today, I decided to make a salad but I think I went a little overboard.

Take a look at my salad. How many ingredients do you think I was able to cram in my little bowl? Interestingly enough, some of the ingredients I would probably not eat by itself or in any other form (like olives). I guess the secret is to have lots-o-stuff to make the salad more interesting to eat and so I would eat it more often.

Here were the party members in today’s salad:
1.       Romaine lettuce
2.       Spinach
3.       Green bell pepper
4.       Red bell pepper
5.       Hot pepperoncinis
6.       Black beans
7.       Sliced olives
8.       Red onions
9.       Red cabbage
10.   And special guest appearance, Kraft Greek Vinaigrette with Feta Cheese & Oregano salad dressing

Talk about a party in my bowl! (I’m also having a side of avocado dip bought from Costco. It’s heavenly.)

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