Free conference April 7 at DMU on public health issues related to sex

April 5-11 is National Public Health Week in America and the theme is “A Healthier America: One Community At A Time.” Des Moines University students take that theme to heart and strive toward that goal every day.

In honor of the public health week, they have organized “Sex In The Community,” a free event at Des Moines University (DMU) on April 7, 5:30-7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend, no RSVP needed.
“Sex is often a taboo subject. We think it’d be healthier to discuss openly the issues related to sex that heavily impact the health of our community,” explained David Guajardo, a public health student and member of several sponsoring student clubs. “With the support of The AIDS Project, Iowa Department of Public Health and a whole slew of campus clubs, this will be an engaging, informative dialog.”

Topics include the criminal transmission of HIV, domestic and sexual violence, STDs in the Des Moines metro area and an update of AIDS in our area.

The event is in the Des Moines University Academic Center, Lecture Hall 3, 3440 Grand Ave. in Des Moines. For more information about the conference, email To learn more about National Public Health Week, visit


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