How to choose shoes

One of the worst things women do to their feet is wear high-heeled, high-fashion shoes, says Jill Frerichs, D.P.M.’01, assistant professor in the College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. Here’s how to kick the evil shoe habit:

  • Stand up straight when you measure your foot for size. Having your full weight on your feet will ensure an accurate measure of foot width.
  • Make sure the widest part of your foot sits in the widest part of the shoe.
  • Since shoe sizes vary by style and manufacturer, try them on before purchasing. Shoe-shop later in the day when feet are more swollen.
  • Women should choose dress shoes with proper width, cushioned soles, a rounded or squared toebox, fabrics or leather that expands, and heels no higher than two and a quarter inches.
  • Don’t think you’ll break in shoes. You’ll only torture your feet.
  • Avoid backless shoes – they force your toes to “claw” while walking.
  • Flipflops are for the pool or shower only. Enough said.
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