Congrats, grads!!

Today is the big day! Congrats to all of you who will lay claim to a new degree today!

Amongst the nine programs, DMU bestowed 466 degrees (some of you got more than one, you crazy cats!) and you will all take that next step into the world.

Congrats on this huge mile marker! You have earned much praise & celebration today. Go out & make us proud!

Here are some words of wisdom from our grads: “Always see yourself as a student and absorb what anyone is willing to teach. Always think outside of the box and carpe diem! We are having a human experience that unfortunately passes by so quickly. People forget many things, except the way you made them feel.”
-Elisa Lear-Rayborn, D.P.M.

“Des Moines University’s P.P.D.P.T. online program provided me with a ‘change forever.’ I am a well-informed professional now, in all aspects of physical therapy, including patient care, patient advocacy, advocacy for the profession, self-advocacy, avenues for professional improvement and resources. This program has improved me personally and professionally.”
-Thandapani Sivakumar, D.P.T.

“In medicine our patients are continually going through various peaks and valleys. It is the little aspects of quality care such as taking time to ask and listen about their personal struggles, joys and concerns which affirms their humanity and fosters the patient-provider relationship. Knowledge earns degrees, but a kind heart earns trust and respect which are equally important in quality patient care.”
-Erin Magnussen, PA

“Outside of all the reading, books, and lectures, I learned some very important things at Des Moines University.  Be confident. There are many pressure situations in medicine. It is important to trust your education and abilities as a physician to make the correct decisions on those situations. Be honest. Most patients don’t really want to come to the doctor, so it’s important to be open with them about their condition. They can be confident with your recommendations if they can trust you. Finally, and most importantly, enjoy family and friends. With busy schedules, it’s easy to get caught up in all the exams, rounds and surgeries. Don’t let those things cloud the importance of building relationships with those who love you. They know you as more than just some doctor, and their support is just as valuable as all those hours studying.”
-Mike Donnenwerth, D.P.M.

“When I think about public health, I am reminded of a sign that was hanging in my local bowling alley when I was a kid. It said something like, ‘When I bowl a strike nobody notices; when I throw a gutter ball everyone is aware.’ Similarly, many successes of public health may never be visible. It is possible for disasters to be avoided and many lives saved and, if done effectively, those people may not be aware that they were even at risk. Public health’s reach is so widespread it affects everyone, regardless of their interest in it. Its policies and structures are so ingrained into our society that oftentimes it is taken for granted. However, there continue to be gutter balls like food poisonings, flu outbreaks and earthquakes, which raise awareness of the necessities of the public health system. Unfortunately, public awareness is the result of mistakes or lack of preparedness.”
-Rob Semelroth, M.P.H.

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