And so it begins….

I started my first official day of clinical rotations yesterday. I had been told all sorts of stories of how other people’s first days had went and so was not sure what to expect. Nerves were running high as I tried to sleep on Sunday night and while I was preparing for the day on Monday….I think its just natural to be nervous your first day.

Luckily, I have a great doctor to work with and the day went as smooth as could be. I love learning hands-on or being able to watch others do it. So I feel as though my knowledge and application of that knowledge will expand 10-fold this year. I am excited to see how much I grow in my abilities as a health care practitioner.

I know this post was short but I will keep you updated as time goes on. Watch for my update coming soon about the physician assistant national conference I attended in Atlanta, GA recently!

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