A benefit for the Red Cross in Japan

Yoshihiro Ozaki is a second-year osteopathic medicine student. He is a delightful student from Japan. I’ve been lucky enough to meet him and hear him play with the DMU chamber orchestra. He sent the following message around to a few folks on campus and I’d like to share it with you:

As you know, Japan has been suffering from the worst earthquake/Tsunami in the history of Japan. Since the earthquake still strikes the country every 6 hours or so, Japanese people are too frightened to sleep at night but always get ready to escape. The number of casualties has been drastically increasing.

The DMU Chamber Orchestra would like to initiate a fundraiser at Des Moines University and solicit donations from  students, faculty members, staff, etc. I would like to send all donations to American Red Cross. All checks should be made payable to the Red Cross with “Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief” written in the memo.

I’m sharing his plea with you all because it’s important. If you find the time in your schedule and some money in your pocket, please plan to stop by the Student Education Center (near the auditorium) today, tomorrow or Thursday and support Yoshi and Kento Akasaka, a first-year osteopathic student, as they play music over lunch and collect donations.

Need a reminder of the destruction and horror there? Check out these NY Times photos.

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