Alumni spotlight: Carla A. Stebbins, Ph.D., M.H.A.’93

Carla Stebbins
Carla A. Stebbins, Ph.D., M.H.A.’93

Professional background

I’ve worked at DMU in a variety of positions since 1992. I started my career as a student in the M.H.A. program and worked part-time as an academic secretary. I later moved into a staff position for the M.H.A. program coordinating the marketing and enrollment efforts. In 1999, I was offered a faculty position and in 2004 was asked to serve as the director of the program.

Best part of my job

I feel so privileged to have the opportunity to work with and learn from a diverse group of faculty, students and staff in an effort to achieve personal and professional goals. There is nothing better (that might be a slight exaggeration) than having a faculty member stop by to announce that an article was accepted or receiving a call from a student saying they were promoted or “got the job!” I love, love, love helping others succeed.

Advice to those just starting out in the profession

Always be curious. Strive to find a new answer, a new solution. Do not compromise your commitment to your customer. Your sole job is to add value to their experience.

How I stay connected to DMU

This is pretty easy for me since I work for DMU. On occasion (more often than you’d expect) I get a card, email, phone call, etc. letting me know that one of our alums is making a difference in a leadership position somewhere around the state/region. I also stay in touch with several of my peers and members of the faculty from the program; they have become life-long friends.


Travel and anything else that allows me to spend more time with my family.

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