Get the wheels turnin’

bike to work 2011


Tomorrow is official bike to work day, so dust off those spokes, pump up those tires and put on your padded shorts.

Celebrate the nationally recognized day with bagels, coffee and juice at Nollen Plaza in downtown Des Moines from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. With the help of Urban Ambassadors, this will be a low-waste/sustainable event.

Benefits for bike commuters:

  • Biking improves your health: national health statistics show that when you’re more active, you decrease your risk for cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
  • Bike commuting improves your mood: bike commuters report that a little exercise and fresh air at the start and end of their work day improves their mood at work and home.
  • Bike commuting saves you money: with gas costing close to $4 a gallon and overall annual car ownership costs averaging $8,000, getting around by bike can free up money in your budget for other things.
  • Bike commuting keeps CO2 out of the atmosphere: we produce carbon emissions from our transportation; cutting down your motorized trips can reduce your carbon emissions and move us one little step closer to slowing down climate change.

What’s keeping you from biking to work?


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