Global Health Outreach award 2011

Global Health Outreach Award 2011
Kendall Blair, D.O.'11 with Yogesh Shah, M.D., associate dean of global health

The Global Health outreach award was established in 2008 to recognize contributions from faculty and students, toward their work for DMU’s global health department. COM graduating class of 2011 has more than 60 students, that’s approximately 27%, who have done an international rotation or service trip through DMU.

This year, the Global Health Outreach award is being presented to one of the first DMU students to be selected for an internship at World Health Organization. Kendall Blair travelled twice on the DMU sponsored medical service trips to El Salvador, first time as a student participant and the second year as co-student leader for the trip. She also did clinical rotation in SA.

This award endorses her interest in global medicine, particularly in maternal and women’s health, commitment to community service involvement and illuminates her spirit of humanism.

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