Cancer summit Oct. 3-4

Each year, the Iowa Cancer Summit brings together representatives from health care, academia, public health and the private sector, along with cancer survivors, caregivers and others, to provide a dialogue on best cancer control practices across Iowa. This year’s summit will occur October 3-4 at the West Des Moines Marriott. Seats and a limited number of registration scholarships for students are still available.

The theme for the summit is “Collaborating for the Future: Unveiling Iowa’s New Cancer Plan,” which has been revised for 2012-2017. In addition to learning about the plan’s components and strategic projects, participants can explore national perspectives on cancer control, related public policies and legislation, cancer’s impact on diverse populations, the role of education and primary preventive health care, community-based screening efforts and more.

You can view the summit brochure and registration form online. Questions? Contact at the Iowa Cancer Consortium. This nonprofit organization is a partnership of researchers, legislators, health care providers, faith-based organizations, public health agencies, family caregivers, cancer survivors, volunteers and many other Iowans who work together to conquer cancer.

Disclaimer: This content is created for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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