New year for DMU

Good Morning!

Many of you have heard me praise the numerous qualities of Des Moines University that drew me here. They include the University’s high academic quality; its rigorous, well-equipped curriculum that supports innovative education; the interprofessional interactions among our students and faculty; and the wonderful work and support of our employees.

Another exceptional aspect of DMU is its commitment to the health of communities in Iowa and literally around the world. From our central philosophy of holistic, preventive care to the volunteer service of our students and employees to our collaborations with entities such as the World Health Organization, we demonstrate our continued leadership in improving the health of all.

These activities and leadership reinforced my decision that our mission and vision needed to better reflect what we hope to become as an institution. As we prepare for the University’s next strategic plan, we must build on your great work, on that of our predecessors, and on our extensive efforts on our self-study for reaccreditation by the Higher Learning Commission. That’s why a new mission and vision were approved on Dec. 3 by the DMU Board of Trustees – to articulate our focus on education, research and service/patient care as well as on leadership in transforming our communities to be healthy and well. I am excited to share with you our new mission and vision.


To improve lives in our global community by educating diverse groups of highly competent and compassionate health professionals.

Des Moines University will be:

  • The leader in innovative health education that promotes lifelong learning
  • A cultivator of distinctive faculty and student researchers who discover and disseminate new knowledge
  • A leader and partner of choice in the delivery of services that enhance health, wellness, and education in our communities
  • A policy consultant and catalyst in healthy community transformation

We have been very deliberate in the past few months in working together – the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, students and alumni – in helping to define who we are and what we hope to convey as our purpose, our core values and our vision for the future. Thank you for your hard work, support and engagement in making these efforts successful, and thank you for all you do to enable Des Moines University to do a world of good.

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