And we’re off

After months of planning the day has finally come to take off on the trip of a lifetime. We boarded the bus at DMU on Saturday afternoon for a ride to Chicago’s O’Hare International airport. The six hour trek included a stop at the world’s largest truck stop, team bonding and many chapters of The Hunger Games being read. Our flights left in the wee hours of Sunday morning and routes through both Guatemala City and San Salvador were taken into our final destination of Tegucigalpa, Honduras.



Once we arrived in the country we were greeted by a group of Global Brigade staff and hopped on another bus to head to our compound in El Paraiso. The second bus introduced us to an important cultural aspect…the music. Being entertained by music videos for an hour and a half gave us a chance to pick up some possible Honduran dance moves.


After 20 hours of travel we arrived at the compound, had a fantastic lunch and explored the surrounding area. Tomorrow brings a full day of packing medications as well as visiting the local orphanage. Thanks for checking in on us! Talk to you soon!

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