First day of brigading

Wednesday in Honduras was the first day of medical brigading. We had a 5:30 a.m. wake up call, breakfast and then a three hour bus ride before arriving to the first community of Cofridia Metro. With people already lined up to see the doctors, we quickly got set up and started seeing patients. The patients get entered into the system by local community members and then head to triage where all their information is collected. After this they are sent to see one of the doctors, they are prescribed any medications they may need and then they attend an educational session for both the adults and children. We also provide a dental station for cleanings, extractions and fillings if needed. As it seems to happen every day at some point, there were also several pick-up games of soccer! I won’t mention who probably won.

Pharmacy set up at the first day of the brigade.
View from inside the clinic. In the middle is where soccer was played.
Arriving at the first day of the brigade.

Tomorrow we will return to the same community to set up Brigade day #2. Students will rotate through each station at least once to get an opportunity to experience as much of the health care process as they can. Stay tuned for more details on tomorrow’s brigade and starting Thursday we move to a brand new community! Thanks for checking in.

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