DMU marketing team wins eight national communications awards

The Des Moines University marketing and communications department was recently honored with eight American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) Excellence in Communications awards.

The awards were presented at AACOM’s Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., on March 30. The eight awards are a high for the DMU marketing department. The previous high was six awards, which the team earned in three of the last four years.

The department won first-place honors in four categories: “Best Magazine – Print” for “DMU Magazine,” “Best Website” for the redesigned, “Best Newsletter – Multimedia” for the Global Health enewsletter and “Best Fundraising – Campaign” for the faculty/staff lifesaver campaign. They also took home second place in “Best Magazine – Multimedia” for the online version of “DMU Magazine,” “Best Recruitment Piece – Print” for the D.O./M.B.S./M.S.A. viewbooks and “Best Fundraising – Single Piece” for the white coat mailer, as well as third place in the “Other” category for their Drake Relays square in downtown Des Moines.

The DMU marketing and communications team consists of Kendall Dillon, Jordan Bahnsen, Barb Boose, Nicole Branstad, Katie Ireland, Julie Probst, Seth Stevenson and Melissa Wilder.

AACOM represents the administration, faculty and students of all 26 of the colleges of osteopathic medicine in the country, serving as a unifying voice for osteopathic medical education. For more information, visit


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