Meals from the Heartland

Meals From the Heartland - DMU Admissions Office

Des Moines University’s employees and students are committed to making the community a better place to live. Faculty, staff and students are actively encouraged to “do a world of good”. On August 30, seven members of the Admissions Office volunteered for a 2-hour shift with Meals from the Heartland during their 2012 packaging event. During that small amount of time, their group managed to package about 750 meals. Here are a few other stats from the annual event:

  • Over 15,000 volunteers packaged meals this year
  • 1,425,600 meals were packaged on Thursday (record for most meals packaged in a single day)
  • A total of 5,122,008 meals were packaged this year
  • The DMU Admissions table packaged .0146% of those meals



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