Professor, painter and T.V. star

Hoff painting
Dr. Hoff’s works include portraits and still lifes.

Well, he wouldn’t say he’s a star, but Gary Hoff, D.O., was featured this Sunday on local station KCCI-TV8 for his significant talents as a painter as well as associate professor of behavioral medicine. News anchor/reporter Mollie Cooney interviewed Dr. Hoff for KCCI’s weekly “In the Artist’s Studio” program.

Described by Cooney as a man of “very many interests and very many talents,” Dr. Hoff is a former Air Force pilot and cardiologist as well as DMU faculty member. He says he’s enjoyed painting and other forms of illustrative art since age 13. He views art as more than a hobby, however: He notes that the keen observational skills required to draw or paint something or someone are invaluable to health care providers.

In fact, studies have shown that teaching medical students to observe closely as artists translates into expanded clinical observational skills. DMU students can hone these skills in the elective Introductory Figure Drawing.

Dr. Hoff has showed his works at many juried art shows, galleries and Des Moines’ annual ArtFest Midwest. You can peruse his art by visiting his website, Heartland Studio, Ltd. Enjoy!

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