Don’t pass up the chance


Each summer Des Moines University hosts its Health Professions Advanced Summer Scholars (Health P.A.S.S.) program. The program is geared toward rising sophomores and juniors from populations underrepresented in medicine and health care, including under-represented minority, low-income and/or first-generation college students. The program provides participants with perspectives on what it is like to be a student in osteopathic medicine, podiatric medicine, physical therapy, and physician assistant studies. DMU covers all costs for participants, including housing, meals, and transportation. Enrollment is limited to ten students.

Past participants have loved the program! Some feedback we’ve heard includes:

  • It was awesome to get to interact with students and get their perspectives and advice. I especially enjoyed the interactive experience in the anatomy lab with the PA students.
  • The DMU student involvement was great in helping us understand what our lives would be like as students. The variety and number of students involved gave us an in depth understanding of student life.
  • This program helped me learn so much more about osteopathic medicine- I think it was an eyeopener to all of us when we realized just how much Des Moines had to offer. Des Moines was an absolutely wonderful city, and I really believe it is one of the greatest kept secrets. I didn’t know much about Des Moines, but now that I have been there and experienced everything, I can’t stop telling people how amazing it is! I will definitely be applying to DMU, and I plan on telling everyone interested in medicine about it as well.

If you or somebody you know is interested in the program,apply today! Applications are due March 1, 2013. If you have questions please call 515.271.7864.

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