Honduras 2013: The last day

Osteopathic medical student Brian Sullivan was a member of Des Moines University’s largest and most interprofessional global health service team to date: More than 35 individuals – including students from five DMU programs and Drake University’s pharmacy program as well as faculty, clinicians and a social worker – spent March 16-24 providing health care, education and information to hundreds of under-served people in Honduras. It was DMU’s second service trip to the Central American nation, organized in partnership with Global Brigades, the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization. 

Day 6:

This was the last day of our clinic. Many thanks go to everyone who made this clinic possible. Thank you to all the physicians that gave their time to improve the health of the Honduran people and educate the students. Thanks to the students who helped put this trip together and to the Global Brigade team that kept us safe and able to continue to provide healthcare for those in need.

The Medical Brigade was able to see 1,200 patients in four days and the Dental was able to see 200 people. This trip was successful because of the collaboration and input of every individual. Lastly, thank you to the Honduran people for their smiles and warmth during our visit. They are a respectful people who lead rich and colorful lives despite their lack of healthcare.

Honduras 2013: group shot

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