DMU club seeks donations of mobility devices

The Des Moines University Physical Therapy Club is teaming with physical therapy programs from across the state to aid the disabled around the world. On April 26 and 27, the club will be collecting manual wheelchairs, aluminum crutches and canes, foldable walkers and related parts in conjunction with the All-Iowa Wheels for the World (AIWFTW) collection drive.

This is the fourth state-wide collection drive since 1999. Nearly 3,000 wheelchairs have been collected, restored and distributed by Joni and Friends International Disability Center to persons with disabilities in developing countries throughout the world.

“Through global health experiences offered at Des Moines University, it became obvious as to the need for wheelchairs and aides for walking in other countries,” says Katherine Mercuris, P.T., D.H.S., associate professor in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at DMU. “The ability to move from one place to another in the home and community is so important and Wheels for the World helps to meet that need.”

Mobility devices can be dropped off at the Des Moines University Academic Center, 3440 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, on Friday, April 26, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 27, from 8 to 11 a.m. Receipts will be provided for wheelchair donations. Monetary contributions will also be accepted.

For more information about the collection drive and a list of additional drop sites, visit


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