Mali Schneiter, D.O.’15, selected for national global health position

Mali Schneiter, D.O.'15Mali Schneiter, second-year osteopathic medical student, was selected to represent all osteopathic medical students as the Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP) National Global Health Representative. COSGP is a council under the governance of the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) that assembles Student Government Association presidents and vice presidents from every school of medicine to discuss and collaborate on issues, ideas and information regarding osteopathic medical education and osteopathic medicine.

As National Global Health Representative, Mali will represent students’ global health interests to international organizations and share global health educational and career opportunities with osteopathic medical students across the nation. She will set the goals of the COSGP Global Health Committee and will serve as a valuable resource for global health leadership updates for students.

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