Join the leaders of DMU

Des Moines University has long attracted service-oriented student leaders highly competent in managing both academic demands and extracurricular/volunteer activities. For example, DMU osteopathic medical student Tara Hughes Blalock is past president of her DMU class and of the College of Osteopathic Medicine Student Government Association; she now serves as national chair of the executive board of the Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP). Another past president of her class, Mali Schneiter, is COSGP national global health representative.

CEO Day is a great way to get involved at DMU.

Podiatric medical student Kyle Duncan is president of the national American Podiatric Medical Students’ Association (APMSA); classmate Michael Johnson is APMSA’s lone student liaison to the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management.

Students are active leaders on campus, too, in part because there’s no lack of opportunity. This Thursday, CEO Day 2013, leaders and members of more than 50 student organizations will staff tables and displays in the Medical Education Center (MEC) from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. to talk with classmates about how they can get involved on campus and in the community. These groups reflect a huge range of interests and causes, from medical/health sciences specialties to global health to Homeless Camp Outreach.

It’s a lively, highly interactive event, with the bonus of great food and refreshments. All students are invited to explore the extravaganza of extracurricular activities available.

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