DMU faculty members named NAOME 2014 fellows

naomeMary Johnson, Ph.D., associate dean for academic affairs and professor in the College of Osteopathic Medicine, was named a 2014-2019 Fellow for the National Academy of Osteopathic Medical Educators (NAOME) of the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM). Fellows have met rigorous standards of academic excellence and serve as leaders and mentors for academic scholarship and excellence within the osteopathic medical education community. 

In addition, Edward “Pat” Finnerty, Ph.D., professor of physiology and pharmacology, was one of six inaugural NAOME Fellows, with the term 2009-2014, who successfully reapplied for an additional five-year fellowship, 2014-2019. Roberta Wattleworth, D.O.’81, M.H.A.’99, M.P.H.’04, FACOFP, professor of family medicine, also was an inaugural Fellow. 

Other DMU faculty serving terms as NAOME Fellows are Matthew Henry, Ph.D., chair, physiology and pharmacology, 2010-2015; Craig Canby, Ph.D., professor of anatomy, 2011-2016; and Wayne Wilson, Ph.D., associate professor of biochemistry and nutrition, 2013-2018.

AACOM represents the administration, faculty and students of all the osteopathic medical colleges, including DMU, in the United States. It serves as the unifying voice for these institutions; works to foster collaboration and innovation in education, research and other areas; provides centralized services to member colleges; and develops national initiatives to promote osteopathic medical education and osteopathic medicine.

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