National Public Health Week 2014

NPHWNational Public Health Week 2014 kicks off today and is focused on drawing attention to the work of local public health professionals and the role of the public health system in keeping communities healthy and safe.

This year, NPHW will focus on the theme “Public Health: Start Here” to engage with communities and individuals. Public health professionals (OUR STUDENTS!) are working hard to change the public health system for the better. We celebrate them and their mission this week as they continue to work towards maintaining better health care in our communities.

This week’s daily themes:

Be healthy from the start: From maternal health and school nutrition to emergency preparedness, public health starts at home. Let us show you around.

Don’t panic: Disaster preparedness starts with community-wide commitment and action. We’re here to help you weather the unexpected.

Get out ahead: Prevention is now a nationwide priority. Let us show you where you fit in.

Eat well: The system that keeps our nation’s food safe and healthy is complex. We can guide you through the choices.

Be the healthiest nation in one generation: Best practices for community health come from around the globe. We have a world of public health to show you.

Disclaimer: This content is created for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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