Provider Profile: Meet Dr. Adrian Woolley

Adrian Woolley, D.O.Name:
Adrian Woolley, D.O.

Vice-chairman, Osteopathic Manual Medicine

Family Medicine Clinic/Osteopathic Manual Medicine Clinic

Undergraduate School:
Revelle College, La Jolla, California

Medical School:
Des Moines University, Des Moines, Iowa

Des Moines General Osteopathic Hospital, Des Moines, Iowa

Family Practice, Des Moines General Osteopathic Hospital, Des Moines, Iowa

Additional Degrees/Training:
Board-certified in Family Practice, Neuromuscular and Osteopathic Manual Medicine
Certificate of Proficiency in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field

What Attracted Me to Medicine:
I wanted to be a doctor since the age of six. I was attracted to osteopathic medicine in particular because of the ability to utilize my hands and make a patient feel better immediately without waiting for medications to ‘kick in.’

Osteopathic Manual Medicine

Conditions I Treat:

  • Musculoskeletal concerns
  • Cranial considerations (headache, sinuses, vertigo, otitis)
  • Women’s health
  • General wellness

How Osteopathic Manual Medicine Can Benefit Patients:
The musculoskeletal system is the largest in the body and can mirror internal organ concerns before the patient becomes aware of them. By examining the entire body, I am able to pick up on these concerns before they become a problem and treat before it becomes a chronic illness for the patient.

How I Spend My Free Time:
Reading mystery novels, traveling and spending quiet time with family and pets, just relaxing.

Fun Fact:
I love to use power tools and build/remodel.

Health Advice to Live By:
Find what feels and works best for you and capitalize on it to keep yourself happy and healthy.

Disclaimer: This content is created for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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