DMU hosts high school health careers class

Michael Metts takes the Health Careers Academy students through a simulation.
Michael Metts takes the Health Careers Academy students through a medical simulation.

Des Moines University faculty and students hosted high schoolers from the Health Careers Academy class at Southeast Polk High School in Pleasant Hill, Iowa, for a day of science. Michael Metts, chair of Specialty Medicine, taught the visitors some medical terminology and led them through a medical case in the simulation lab. Following the simulation, the students learned about osteopathic manual medicine in the OMM lab and and got their hands dirty in the anatomy lab, where Donald Matz, chair of Anatomy, showed them a variety of human organs.

The field trip has become an annual event for the Health Careers Academy class, but is one of the many experiences offered each year by DMU’s Community Ambassador Program.

Read more about the students’ experience at DMU.

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