Andrew C. Buelt, D.O.’13

Andrew C. Buelt, D.O.’13, and Joseph Weatherly, D.O., both family medicine residents at St. Petersburg General in St. Petersburg, FL, were featured in the March 5, 2015, issue of The DO for producing a biweekly podcast, “Questioning Medicine,” since early 2014. It chronicles the medical questions they experience in practice and what they learn in their search for answers. With their patients’ wide variety of conditions, the two physicians have to learn the treatment guidelines for these illnesses quickly, but they also realized those guidelines are constantly changing. “Questioning Medicine” podcasts average 30 minutes in length and attract roughly 100 listeners every day. In each episode, the pair discuss current treatment guidelines, new research and their advice for physicians and patients. “I’m hoping physicians will hear our podcast and be encouraged to read on their own. The literature is out there and the evidence is out there, but you have to be willing to read it and look for answers,” Buelt told The DO. “Questioning Medicine” is available on iTunes, Podomatic and podcast apps on smartphones.

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