Shah, leading Iowa scientists urge action on climate change

Yogesh Shah, M.D., M.P.H., and 187 other science faculty and researchers from 39 Iowa colleges and universities signed the fifth annual Iowa Climate Statement, supporting action on climate change. “Iowa Climate Statement 2015: Time for Action” summarizes the facts about climate change and the real impact its effects are having on Iowans.

“There are policies and practices that, if implemented, would help Iowans adapt to climate change in the short term and avoid unmanageable consequences in the long term,” said Yogi Shah, associate dean of global health at DMU and a lead author of the statement.

The upcoming Iowa caucuses are a unique opportunity to bring the need for climate action into the national conversation. As presidential candidates crisscross the state, Iowa’s climate leaders urge all Iowans to question candidates about this critical issue.

“We recognize the important responsibility Iowans have in the process of vetting presidential candidates and we strongly encourage all Iowans to ask them what specific policies they will advocate to address climate change in Iowa,” Shah said.

Read the full climate statement and find more information about the impacts of climate change on Iowa at For a full list of the authors of the climate statement and the endorsing colleges and universities, view the official news release.

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