Where did all our docs go?

After Commencement, our graduates are prepared to embark on exciting, new health careers. But for the osteopathic and podiatric physicians, their education is far from over. Our D.O. and D.P.M. grads spend their first post-medical school years in residencies receiving advanced training in the field of their choice.

The College of Osteopathic Medicine and College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery have a great track record in placing graduates into residencies. The Class of 2015 in both colleges had a 100% placement rate. That’s the second year in a row for COM and third straight year that CPMS successfully matched all grads.

Where do all these doctors go when they leave DMU?

DMU DOs are committed to primary care

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The 211 D.O. graduates are off to 125 different residencies across 33 states. Sixty-three percent chose primary care specialties — 85 in family medicine, 32 in internal medicine and 15 in pediatrics. Thirty-six osteopathic physicians will stay in the state, with 25 of them doing their residencies right here in Des Moines. Ohio is the second most popular destination with 24 doctors heading there.

CPMS grads litter the Midwest

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The 51 graduates in the CPMS Class of 2015 are going to 40 residency programs in 21 states. Forty-three percent will train in the Midwest. Pennsylvania will get six DMU foot and ankle physicians, the most of any state.

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