Taking care of others starts with taking care of you!

Runners on the track in the DMU Wellness Center

As a medical student, it is important to not only prioritize your education but also your wellbeing. At the Wellness Center, there are many opportunities and activities available to students throughout the day. Fitness classes, weights, a 200-meter indoor track, basketball courts, exercise equipment, a fitness studio and the DMU kitchen are all located on campus and there is something for everyone!

Fitness classes are scheduled throughout the day, typically lasting 45 minutes. Classes are a great way to get in a quick cardio workout, try something new and take a break from studying. These schedules are posted on Pulse and paper copies are held at the front desk.

Each time you want to visit the Wellness Center make sure you bring your student ID. The front doors to the gym open by swiping your ID on the badge reader. Additionally, at the front desk of the Wellness Center you need to check yourself into the gym. If you have a significant other with you during your time at DMU, complementary Wellness Center memberships can be obtained.

Besides the regular amenities listed above, the Wellness Center often creates initiatives for students to stay healthy and active. Throughout the year there are challenges, contests or other events that give students the opportunity to be mindful of their health while also entering to win cool prizes. Make sure to take advantage of these opportunities; you never know when a $25 gift card to Matthews Bookstore or elsewhere could come your way.

Remember that being able to take care of others in the profession of podiatry starts with taking care of you! Even though first year is busy with school work, your body and mind will thank you for staying active and eating well.

This post was adapted from “Recipes for Success,” a guidebook put together by D.P.M. students for all incoming students in the hopes of getting them on the right track once they get to DMU.

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