October conference will focus on education for sustainable global health

heartland-consortium-logo-text-horizontalIgnorance and misinformation can cause a world of hurt. That’s certainly the case when it comes to maintaining and enhancing health. How can we educate people and populations for sustainable global health?           

That’s the topic of the seventh annual Global Health Conference of the Heartland Global Health Consortium (HGHC) on Wednesday, October 14, 2015, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Held in Drake University’s Olmsted Center, Parents Hall, the conference will include panels on service learning, ways to prepare students for global health experiences and social determinants of health. Students can participate in a poster presentation during the event.

The event is free to students, faculty and staff of HGHC member institutions and a small fee for other individuals. More information and registration will be posted soon on the consortium website, and on DMU’s continuing medical education website.

Established in 2007, the Heartland Global Health Consortium is a group of Iowa colleges and universities that have come together around a common interest of international health.  Members include Central College, Des Moines University, Drake University, Grinnell College, Iowa State University, Mercy College of Health Sciences, Simpson College, University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa and William Penn University.

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